Caleb Parkin What We Animals Do A poem inspired by Bristol Zoo

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A poem inspired by Bristol Zoo Gardens.
When the gates are locked
and the lights turned off,
what do the animals do?
Does the lemur remove
the bright rings of his tail,
hang each, brightest white,
out to dry on a rail?
Do the flamingos line up
and line-dance in sync,
in the highlighter-glow
of their feathery pink?
When we visitors leave
and the gift shop goes dark,
what do the animals do?
Does the chameleon select
her favourite shade of – what?
We’ll never know which colour
she chose, with no-one there to watch.
Do the butterflies land
on one extra-large leaf,
try on different patterns
like it’s Fashion Week?
And when they all sleep
at night or by day,
what do the animals do?
Do they dream from the earth,
wound round branches on trees;
do they sigh for bright forests
or the echoing seas –
and can we dream with them,
in fin, fur, and scale?
With one ant-sized action,
hope, big as a whale?
When the lights go back on,
and we all meet again –
just imagine, imagine
what we could do then.
Bristol Zoo Gardens has been working with Caleb Parkin, Bristol City Poet, to create a series of online poetry classes with top tips and advice on honing literary skills. Visit this page to find out more.