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In 2015 Bristol became the UK’s first ever European Green Capital in recognition of what its citizens have achieved in making the city a healthier, happier place to live in.
As climate change makes sustainable, low carbon living more and more fundamental to the future of cities and people, the title of European Green Capital is also becoming increasingly important. Bristol2015 was an opportunity to show how cities and citizens can play a core role in solving some of the biggest challenges of our time.
Bristol Cultural Development Partnership (BCDP – now Bristol Ideas) was responsible for applying for funding for – and subsequently managing – six major art commissions (the Exceptional Fund projects) within the overall Bristol2015 programme. The projects were supported by Arts Council England (ACE). These included the first Festival of the Future City; details of the other projects can be found below.
BCDP also managed and helped to promote other aspects of the programme, three of which are featured below.
Bristol 2015 Arts Programme
You can download here a PDF of the Bristol 2015 Arts Programme brochure, which includes some of the other arts activity that took place during the year, in addition to the Exceptional Fund projects.