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Bristol Cable: What Is the Future of Cities?

Festival of the Future City

Watershed  |  Free, booking required

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The Bristol Cable’s Future of Cities series aims to set out problems Bristol is facing, uncover solutions from other cities and amplify grassroots solutions being pioneered closer to home, putting the people working on these solutions at the heart of the stories they write.

Bristol faces the same challenges as other cities: housing insecurity, food and fuel poverty, and unequal access to healthcare, education and transport networks. With more and more people living in cities, we need to find solutions for sustainable development. And perhaps more importantly, they need to be shared. 

For the past year, The Bristol Cable has explored these solutions with experts and local communities. This event marks the completion of the work. Chaired by Cable journalists Eliz Mizon, Matty Edwards and Alex Turner, three areas from the Future of Cities series are explored and debated: 

  1. Resources: Louise Delmage from Bristol Food Network will discuss how we can transform Bristol into a sustainable food city.
  2. Move: Taking back control: is bus franchising the route out of Bristol’s public transport chaos? Emilia Melville from Praxis Research discusses.
  3. Space: Rethinking regeneration: Could co-design help transform Bristol’s housing estates? John Bennett shares his thoughts.

It’s an opportunity to hear more about the stories The Bristol Cable has published but, critically, it’s an opportunity too to debate solutions and determine action.

Welcome and intro by Gigi El-Halaby and audience Q+A and round up will be chaired by Sean Fox from the University of Bristol.

This event will be recorded and published as a podcast by The Bristol Cable.

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